college programs in prisons? rehab?
Question by butterbean: college programs in prisons? rehab?
How many penitentiaries in the USA offer rehab or college programs? i heard it is very few. and if so are they mandatory? did you know that inmates who leave prison with a degree have a 25% chance to return to prison and inmates who don’t have a 70% chance to return.
i need your answer for a research project thats due soon so please give your answer
yeah…but these prisoners just find themselves right back into prisoner ina few years. why? because they cant find jobs as illiterate ex cons. it costs aalmost $ 50,000 to keep a prisoner for a year. why not spend our money on keeping them out of prison so it will fix the problem
Best answer:
Answer by Ken
So what you’re saying is that we should reward those who are convicted of crimes by allowing them access to a free college education? What kind of message is that sending to those who try to do the right thing and stay out of trouble and end up getting stuck with huge amounts of debt from college loans? Prisons are not institutions of higher learning. They should contain programs geared toward dealing with anger, drug and alcohol abuse, victims awareness, etc.
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