Cocaine Withdrawal Over Long Term?

Question by CrazyGideon: Cocaine Withdrawal Over Long Term?
I have not used cocaine in 2-3 months. I no longer have cravings but I still experience withdrawal symptoms. Extreme anxiety and depression. I have angry flashes which are becoming less frequent but still creating problems within my friend, family and work relations.

I have a few days where things seem to go well for me and I start to feel better but my mood changes drastically over petty things such as an unreturned phone call. I have lost too many friendships and the ones I have are hanging on a thread because of my erratic behavior. They know what I am going through and have been supportive until recently. However they can only do so much and I have more than tried their patience with my angry episodes.

I have read that these withdrawals can last for a very long time. What can I do for support/help?
I used for about 6-9 months. Started as experimental. Gradually started doing perhaps a gram in 2-3 weeks. Within the last month that I was really into it, I think i did over half a gram in one night on 2-3 occasions.

Ultimatly what made me stop was that I was neglecting my school work and realized I was not going to pass midterms if I didn’t stop
What kind of medication does your friend take?
I have thought about a support group but I feel awkward about it unless it is anonymous. I don;t want anything on some kind of record that an employer can find out about, etc…
I do have friends that understand my situation but I end up lashing out on them. They want to help me but have lost patience with me after my repeated outbursts.
Other than the rare drink or xanex I am clean. I have been smoking marijuana for over 10 years with no problems other than laziness.

Best answer:

Answer by cathbd4
Join a support group A.S.A.P. They have people there who understand what you are going through and can talk you through it. A lot of the volunteers in these places are recovering addicts and can give you some hope by relating their experiences. I have never been in your situation, but I had a friend with a bad problem and he left it too late to seek help. Look in the ‘phone book for citizens advice or social offices. They will be able to tell you who to get in touch with. Please don’t think you can do this on your own.

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