Cocaine Information: Is this common practice? “Feds allegedly allowed Sinaloa cartel to move cocaine into U.S. for information”?

Question by NoQuestion: Is this common practice? “Feds allegedly allowed Sinaloa cartel to move cocaine into U.S. for information”?
“The case could prove to be a bombshell on par with the ATF’s “Operation Fast and Furious,” except that instead of U.S. guns being allowed to walk across the border, the Sinaloa cartel was allowed to bring drugs into the United States over a five-year period, the documents allege.”

Best answer:

Answer by Smells like New Screen Names
Doubtful, as the only evidence of this claim is the testimony of a single drug dealer now on trial.

You haven’t even come close to the burden of proof of the Air America claims, the “Government sell coke to keep the black man down” claims, or even the proven connections of the arms/drug smugglers of the Iran-Contra affair.

Matter of fact this doesn’t come close to the FBI agents who were busted a few years back in the Bolger case.

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Cocaine Information: Crack Cocaine (Health Final)

This took two hours of filming, nine hours of editing, and six converter softwares. My partner and I originally filmed MTS formatted video, it turn out my editor only reads MOV or QuickTime. Even after I converted the video clips, most of their audio tracks were off so I couldn’t use them. We also recorded the sound in one take (bad idea). Editing the sound to line up where I needed it took what felt like years. Two things we found really interesting are that CocaCola did in fact originally have cocaine as a major ingredient, however even though it was removed the company puts a cocaine flavour in the drink and the fact that there were cocaine flavoured mints. IT’S A COCAINE MEAL! Moral of the story kids? Your Health Final should be a poster, not a public service announcement. PS for my subscribers: YES, this most certainly counts as my day 12 VEDJ, I refuse to edit another video today. Sorry I missed the last two days, I was recording and editing this.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

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