Clifton Park teen accused of injecting another with heroin at Shen High

Clifton Park teen accused of injecting another with heroin at Shen High
Ten years ago, it was crack cocaine. Heroin has … Previously, the district had a Saratoga County Sheriff's Office D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) officer and a state police resource officer designated to the district deal with such issues … Read more on The Saratogian

Man who led police on chase said he stole to support crack addiction
"[Thompson] admitted to the entire circumstances," Rice said. "He stated that he had a drug problem, a crack cocaine problem, and that he had been stealing from Walmarts in the areas in order to fund his drug problem." Rice said they drug crimes every … Read more on WAVE

Review: 'Demons: our changing attitudes to alcohol, tobacco and drugs', By
A table published in the Lancet in 2007 ranked substances for harmfulness, and it made headlines when it placed alcohol ahead of crack cocaine and ketamine (“Special K”, to those who enjoy administering a horse tranquiliser on themselves). Tobacco was … Read more on The Independent