Chronic inflammation from stress?

Question by thalesgirl: Chronic inflammation from stress?
I just finished a brutal year of internship (I work in mental health), I moved, and I am finishing my dissertation in the next few weeks.

I have always had a bit of runner’s knee, for which I’ve had acupuncture, PT, and chiropractic. During my internship year, I started to have severe knee pain and some other assorted pains: a bit of inflammation in my wrist, more frequent stiff necks.

I am going through the typical channels now, getting PT for my knee. I have been using Traumeel for pain, and it worked initially but is now less effective. I also quit sugar, alcohol, and wheat for a month, which didn’t make much difference. I am currently taking fish oil and a multi. My stress level is wayyy lower now, but my body is still telling me it needs attention. Rest makes the knee a bit better, but I wish I could exercise because I put on some weight this year too.

I feel like the year really did a number on me and I want to do what it takes to get better. So, my questions: Anyone ever have these types of experiences? Any thoughts on supplements or alternative treatments, especially in the Boston area?

Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by mama woof
I will put a link below to a website that has products for Arthritis. Number 1 and 2 are both for the disease. I know one of them is to rebuild cartlige and one is to help pain. You would ahve to email them to see which is which. My husband has wonderful experience with them for both his knees and hips. Just check the ingredient labels. You could buy similar products from anywhere, but I know the ingredients in those do help.

Some people use DMSO. You might research that too. It is a topical linament used on horses. It does take down swelling and pain. You can reseach it on the web.

Mega doses of fish oil help with inflammation, as you know. I would also suggest you research both a shuzi and a q-link. Either of those will help with pain because they increase your body’s own normal melatonin production. I have both, but prefer the shuzi.

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