Meth Symptoms

5 Series to Binge-Watch on Netflix When You're Under the Weather

5 Series to Binge-Watch on Netflix When You're Under the Weather
Since rest is required when you're feeling sick, sometimes all you can do is stay on the couch to try and distract from your symptoms by watching TV. So, if you looking for something good to watch while you're… Continue reading

Addicts are People Too: Choosing Compassion over Judgement

Addicts are People Too: Choosing Compassion over Judgement
This is sadly something that many people in the cannabis community seem to be forgetting, throwing around the words “druggie,” “meth-head,” and “junkie” as though a single factor (whether or not a person has used certain drugs) determines any human's … Read… Continue reading

Did 'Breaking Bad' help meth producers?

Did 'Breaking Bad' help meth producers?
Yet, as far as I know the effects of crystal meth are so severe that legalization is certainly not an option. What efforts have been made to avoid inspiring drug dealers? The best example is that the crystal synthesis is shown very realistic, but… Continue reading

Experts warned about rise in youth drug use in Stanislaus County

Experts warned about rise in youth drug use in Stanislaus County
Those who treat addiction say the use of the illicit drug appears to be growing dramatically, especially among youth, approaching methamphetamine as the drug of choice for addicts in the county – one of the most notorious meth regions… Continue reading

Philip Seymour Hoffman Death Evokes Other Tragic Heroin Stories

Philip Seymour Hoffman Death Evokes Other Tragic Heroin Stories
Watching my sister become an addict after her introduction to methamphetamines and cocaine at the age of 16 by a hustler pimp ten years her senior, I knew that if she couldn't be persuaded into becoming a prostitute sober–then being high,… Continue reading

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Buy Lasix Online
The second group of obese adults who haven't shown any symptoms, buy lasix online allowing for injection into the bloodstream submicroscopic DNA nanoparticles, engineered carriers for delivering drugs to the Centers for Behavioral and Preventive … Read more on Business West

These 7 Beautiful Images Show How… Continue reading