Crystal Meth Addiction

Meth not even once Boyfriend

Meth not even once Boyfriend – Ad of the Meth Project. Visit also:


Rev Run Fights Diabetes
Sign up for our newsletter and have the top headlines from your community delivered right to your inbox. » EVENTS CALENDAR. Connect with Gurdon Times – Gurdon, AR. Facebook · RSS;… Continue reading

Marijuana and the brain: Some research points to positive effects

Marijuana and the brain: Some research points to positive effects
“Methylphenidate, which is thought to be a fairly innocuous compound, can have structural and biochemical effects in some regions of the brain that can be even greater than those of cocaine,” said Yong Kim, a senior researcher. Scientific research on …… Continue reading

How-To Plan Healthy Snacks For School Lunches

How-To Plan Healthy Snacks For School Lunches


Pre-teen prescription drug abuse rising in Lincoln County
( – Officials have told News 4 that prescription drug abuse is rising among pre-teens in Lincoln County. Authorities have told News 4 that more people are abusing prescription drugs than heroin, LSD,… Continue reading

County curbs heroin use: Increases in drug's use drives expansive prevention

County curbs heroin use: Increases in drug's use drives expansive prevention
In the event of an overdose, the paramedics issue a deployment of Narcan, a drug used to counteract the emergency effects of the overdose, according to Jim Austad of the Oshkosh Fire Department emergency service. “If you… Continue reading

Project Lifeline working to fight drug addictions

Project Lifeline working to fight drug addictions
Tennessee is currently “leading the way” in problems like prescription drug and methamphetamine abuse, Hodges said. When Mental Health Department … While more and more judges statewide are entertaining the idea of giving people with misdemeanor … Read more on Cleveland Daily Banner… Continue reading

questionaire on biopolardisdorder?

Question by Barbi R: questionaire on biopolardisdorder?
mental disordere with drug addiction. (ptsd,depression,acute anxiety)

Best answer:

Answer by justwondering
If you are asking if there is a questionnaire available on line to help you self diagnose – yes, you will find lots of info if you type “bipolar disorder symptoms… Continue reading