Substance Abuse

What causes a person to talk in their sleep?

Question by ~♥ Meow ♥~: What causes a person to talk in their sleep?
My husband talks in his sleep all the time…And i can usually hold a conversation with him while he is doing it. Its usually stuff that doesnt make sense though, LOL.

What causes a person to… Continue reading

What concepts of the “Enlightenment” period did the Declaration of Independence have?

Question by Wyocaster: What concepts of the “Enlightenment” period did the Declaration of Independence have?
Here’s a tough question.

Best answer:

Answer by Frosty
natural rights
separation of powers
political freedom

Answer by Alissa The Great
– Beleif in progress (use of reason to solve social problems)
-Seperated powers
-System… Continue reading

How do I become a substance abuse councilor?

Question by VIP Dacus: How do I become a substance abuse councilor?
I want to become one for my profession and I graduate this year so I need to know how to start so I know which school’s to apply to.

Best answer:

Answer by Fred
I would start here:… Continue reading

Why is it illogical to argue that marijuana should be legal because alcohol is more harmful, yet legal?

Question by Anonymous Anonymous: Why is it illogical to argue that marijuana should be legal because alcohol is more harmful, yet legal?
Is it not reasonable to expect the legal substances to be safer than the illegal ones? Preventing potential harm to oneself/others is the basis for outlawing substances in… Continue reading

How would I word it if i wanted to put alcohol and cigarettes in the same group?

Question by Smith: How would I word it if i wanted to put alcohol and cigarettes in the same group?
I want to say that alcohol and cigarettes the most popular ” ” in america. drug? source of intoxication?

Best answer:

Answer by Paul C
I would say “drug” would… Continue reading

When given a piss test in the military, if you are perscribed a pain killer can you pop hot for opiates if?

Question by PoptartLord69: When given a piss test in the military, if you are perscribed a pain killer can you pop hot for opiates if?
Say you are perscribed a pain killer and you have a piss test the next day, and you’ve been taking more than the required amount… Continue reading