
Parents, what are you doing to stop the cycle of stereotypes in your children?

Question by Just Little Old Me: Parents, what are you doing to stop the cycle of stereotypes in your children?
“Rich raise spoiled, rotten brats”
“Welfare families do not take care of their own in favor of substance abuse”
“Rich provide better educations for their children”
“Poorer families remain uneducated”… Continue reading

If u have a drug conviction can u travel to japan or Canada?

Question by soin lopez: If u have a drug conviction can u travel to japan or Canada?

Best answer:

Answer by Carl_the_Truth
Felony conviction ? You won’t be seeing Japan. Not sure about Canada. Do you have a passport ?

Answer by Charlie
Absolutely NOT Canada. After 10 years, you… Continue reading

What does acid do to you? The drug?

Question by Roxanne: What does acid do to you? The drug?
I never plan on doing acid but what can this drug do to someone in the long run? Heart attack? Any kind of diseases? Cancers?

Best answer:

Answer by Jen
It can cause latent mental disorders to surface… :-/… Continue reading

What makes drinking a “disease”?

Question by John Wilson: What makes drinking a “disease”?
Why do people think drinking is a disease when it is a habit.

Best answer:

Answer by Jimmy Pete
When you get cirrhosis of the liver it is a disease!

Answer by jsbrads
the person becomes dependant and the person’s brain… Continue reading

Is there anyone else out there who feels that the laws should be made stiffer for crimes?

Question by kathy h: Is there anyone else out there who feels that the laws should be made stiffer for crimes?
with all the crimes committed today murders, drive by shootings,etc. Why do these crimnals get by so easy? There should be stiffer penalties for crimes, and it should start… Continue reading

Education Requiremnts For Special Subject Teacher?

Question by H: Education Requiremnts For Special Subject Teacher?
hey im in high school and want to know the education requirements for being a special subject teacher, what i mean is i want to teach about ” Youth Prevention” in a public school, such as what young teens should do… Continue reading