why do people take percocet as a recreational drug? How does it make you feel?
Question by Marissa C: why do people take percocet as a recreational drug? How does it make you feel?
I know people abuse percocet (oxycodone) but why? what is the feeling you get from this drug that makes people abuse it? Im taking it right now because i just had… Continue reading
What do YOU think is meant by the term “innovation abuse”?
Question by IIIIIII: What do YOU think is meant by the term “innovation abuse”?
…to abuse humanity through innovation, or to abuse innovation like one abuses a substance…like a compulsion that reduces the quality of life for self and/or others?
How would you use this term in a sincere sentence… Continue reading
Can someone go to jail for reckless driving? hes on probation now .?
Question by thisisme: Can someone go to jail for reckless driving? hes on probation now .?
His last conviction was:
Criminal Mischief 2nd Deg Breach Of Peace 2nd Deg Sentenced: 30 Days Jail, Threatening 2nd Deg … and few years ago he was in jail for 30 days for DUI… Continue reading
Is addiction a disease or a choice?
Question by M fan: Is addiction a disease or a choice?
I keep hearing people say that alcohol and or drug addiction is a disease but that seems to be stretching the definition just a bit. Even if you are addicted and have a dependence on a drug, you’re still… Continue reading
Is sugar addiction real and do I have it?
Question by Greg D: Is sugar addiction real and do I have it?
Lol sugar addiction sounds like a load of bullshit but I could see how it could be plausible. I was just reading this – http://www.ehow.com/facts_5509791_sugar-addiction-symptoms.html and I have a lot of the “symptoms” described in that article.… Continue reading
What age should one stop playing video games?
Question by Question Mark: What age should one stop playing video games?
I’m starting to think I shouldn’t be playing video games anymore. I am 19 and I enjoy gaming and the creative elements of it. I view it as an art as much as movies. But… Continue reading