I could really use an answer, please?
Question by Robeeno The Hunter: I could really use an answer, please?
Okay, I have to make this clear, there are people I feel as though I love, I just don’t have the ability to empathise with people even loved ones much. When I’m around these people when they’re badly… Continue reading
Can excercising become an addiction?
Question by Alyssa: Can excercising become an addiction?
I think I do know the answr to my question…”YES, anything can become an addiction”; but how can something which is suppossed to be good (its not drugs, smoking or drinking) also be considered… Continue reading
How to quit drinking and smoking at a young age and what will happen to my body?
Question by y2j: How to quit drinking and smoking at a young age and what will happen to my body?
OK I am 17 years old, and have been drinking since 14. I never really considered my self an alcoholic. But I would drink heavily at times specially this last… Continue reading
I think I have ADD….?
Question by ChillBroskiii.: I think I have ADD….?
For as long as i can remember, I’ve had ADD symptoms. About two years ago i started research for this and i’m convinced i have it. ive told my parents about it, but they havent really done anything about it.
who else… Continue reading
Anyone know exactly how abusing alcohol shuts down your liver?
Question by lol ok: Anyone know exactly how abusing alcohol shuts down your liver?
I have to do a project on the liver, and I know that drinking too much alcohol can harm it. Anyone know exactly what happens?
Best answer:
Answer by nochocolate
Alcohol-Induced Liver Disease
What is the… Continue reading
What does the no-ad sunscreen stand for?
Question by asdf: What does the no-ad sunscreen stand for?
i read somewhere that the money from the purchases go recovery centers for drugs and alcohol so no-ad would stand for “no addiction” but my mom says it stands for “no advertising”
Best answer:
Answer by Kitty Kat
It stands… Continue reading