Preventing Adolescent Drug Abuse through Life Skills Training
Preventing Adolescent Drug Abuse through Life Skills Training – Considerable progress has been made toward developing effective approaches to the prevention of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use. Universal school-base…
Two gene variants may predict who will benefit from breast cancer prevention …
Neither ZNF423 nor CTSO — nor… Continue reading
Why do Conservatives want health care to pay for male prostate cancer and not provide treatment for women?
Question by Average College Student: Why do Conservatives want health care to pay for male prostate cancer and not provide treatment for women?
Conservatives call it birth control, but if they were educated they would call it hormonal control. Many women’s medical conditions require the same drug and in the… Continue reading
What can happen if I put pepper around my car during a school search?
Question by Dr. Independent: What can happen if I put pepper around my car during a school search?
You know how high schools have monthly school searches for drugs in cars and lockers, what if I place pepper around my car so if a dog sniffs around it, the dog… Continue reading
UK medical adviser recommends preventive use of breast cancer drug
UK medical adviser recommends preventive use of breast cancer drug
Nice's advice comes at a time of growing debate over the role of “primary” prevention for people at risk but with no current incidence of disease with medicines, including the use of statins and blood pressure drugs to reduce heart… Continue reading
Teen Drug Prevention Strategy Part 1
Teen Drug Prevention Strategy Part 1 – A fundamental fact of addiction is that it is a childhood disease. In order to address teen substance addiction, we need to address it through early interven…
PRIDE Teen Teaches Peers About Drugs , Effects
"We use the performing arts as tools… Continue reading
Are there any certificates I can get along with my psychology degree?
Question by Sandy Bagelstein: Are there any certificates I can get along with my psychology degree?
I know you can get a suicide hotline “crisis prevention” certificate, but what else can you get!?
And you’re the top contributor?
Best answer:
Answer by Yaku
you can get a bs diploma, 4… Continue reading