Drug Abuse

why do people take percocet as a recreational drug? How does it make you feel?

Question by Marissa C: why do people take percocet as a recreational drug? How does it make you feel?
I know people abuse percocet (oxycodone) but why? what is the feeling you get from this drug that makes people abuse it? Im taking it right now because i just had… Continue reading

What is the street price for a tablet of 5/500 oxycodone?

Question by MelindaA: What is the street price for a tablet of 5/500 oxycodone?
I have to write an essay for school on drug abuse”/and no, I am not on drugs.thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by tutyakbi
$ 8-$ 10 a pill

Obama Administration Says Prescription Drug Abuse Fastest Growing Drug… Continue reading

How does one go about getting an entire account suspended?

Question by …: How does one go about getting an entire account suspended?
What do these trolls do, click “report abuse” on one of their questions about 50 times…

Best answer:

Answer by doublea
practically if u put it that way

Answer by Eric Cartman
if you say something really… Continue reading

How to make this sentence better?

Question by l: How to make this sentence better?
“Many have not acknowledged the detrimental factors of drug abuse”

how do I make this sentence better?

Best answer:

Answer by Brandon
“Many people don’t understand the kinds of consequences that can come from modern drug abuse.”

Answer by mahmyo
The… Continue reading

Is the book A Million Little Pieces by James Frey any good?

Question by [♥]: Is the book A Million Little Pieces by James Frey any good?
I’ve been ‘hearing’ that it is literally “a-piece-of-made-up-shit, that belittles drug abuse.”

well, I guess i can look past the truth part of it, i’m just looking for a good read.
so is this book… Continue reading

Can I get my teacher in trouble for professing his faith?

Question by John Smith: Can I get my teacher in trouble for professing his faith?
He said to me, “This is why I don’t think atheists have any excuse for being moral,” and “if you’re an atheist, you’re more likely to not have a problem with drug abuse.”
I was… Continue reading