Documentary Drug Abuse Mental Illness
Documentary Drug Abuse Mental Illness –
Prescription drug abuse a growing concern in Waseca County
According to research, nearly 70 percent of Americans take at least one prescription drug and more than half take two. The increasing abuse in prescription painkiller and amphetamine use and abuse nationwide, is also… Continue reading
Substance Abuse in South Mississippi: Prescription Meds
Substance Abuse in South Mississippi: Prescription Meds
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 5.1 million people across the US abused pain killers in 2010. Another 3 million abused sedatives, tranquilizers and other stimulants. US District Judge Keith Starrett has sentenced thousands of criminals. Read more on WHLT22
Seven… Continue reading
Drug Abuse, Trafficking in Kenyatta's Crosshairs
Drug Abuse, Trafficking in Kenyatta's Crosshairs
Nairobi — Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has declared a war on drugs, but efforts to combat drug trafficking and drug use among youth could fail unless law enforcement agencies receive adequate support and are held accountable, observers say. Read more on
Drug… Continue reading
What did Chris Andersen from the Nuggets test positive for to get kicked out of the NBA for 2 years?
Question by feldy: What did Chris Andersen from the Nuggets test positive for to get kicked out of the NBA for 2 years?
I know there is no official release on what it was but I know it was a “drug of abuse” aka pretty much anything worse than weed.… Continue reading
Eminem opens up about drug use: 'My bottom was going to be death'
Eminem opens up about drug use: 'My bottom was going to be death'
In the documentary "How to Make Money Selling Drugs," Eminem opens up about his struggle with prescription drug addiction. The rapper, 40, entered rehab for sleeping pill addiction in 2005. In the movie, Slim Shady gets… Continue reading
Is it normal to have life-ending thoughts after four years of chronic pain?
Question by simmysmash: Is it normal to have life-ending thoughts after four years of chronic pain?
My specialist says it is normal with 99% of chronic pain sufferers!
Surely there must be more hope?
Best answer:
Answer by Shisui
It is completely normal. You have been in pain for a… Continue reading