Addiction Statistics

Alcoholic addiction statistics

Alcoholic addiction statistics – Statistics on alcoholism in the United States.


COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Excerpts of recent editorials of statewide and national
Despite the alarming statistics, many Americans, especially teenagers, still believe prescription drugs are relatively harmless. Any effective anti-abuse program must start with public education and… Continue reading

Where can i find statistical figures about drug addiction in Lebanon?

Question by matarali59: Where can i find statistical figures about drug addiction in Lebanon?
k guys im searching for some statistical figures about the variation of drug addiction in Lebanon, Middle East, can someone help me with that, or give me some resources so i can check?
Thank you

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Addiction Statistics | Hawaii Island Recovery

Addiction Statistics | Hawaii Island Recovery – Call 866-515-5032 Addiction statistics are always an eye opener. Why are they on the increase? What to signs or symptoms d…


Addiction rehab center to open
Looking at statistics of prescription drug use per capita, Washington County was ranked high, said… Continue reading

Eastern Mass. highest in nation for opiate overdose hospital admissions

Eastern Mass. highest in nation for opiate overdose hospital admissions
According to a 2011 report by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the greater Boston metro area had the highest rate of emergency room visits involving illicit drugs (571 per 100,000 population) among the nation's 11 …… Continue reading

The Statistics of Video Game Addiction in the Adult World


The Statistics of Video Game Addiction in the Adult World – This is a short video about How serious is video game addiction. For a sneak preview, proceed to:


State ranks high in mental illness, addiction

Filed under: addiction statistics

It's less well known that Oklahoma also… Continue reading

how long does cocaine stay in your system?

Question by dewey honeycutt: how long does cocaine stay in your system?

Best answer:

Answer by Krazy Libra
As long as you keep smoking and sniffing it.
Who ever does it should quit!

Krazy Libra

Add your own answer in the comments!


Drug offenders from S'pore busted

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