Addiction Statistics

Painkiller Addiction

Painkiller Addiction – Call 1-800-839-1682 if you or a loved one is struggling with Painkiller Addiction, and our counselors will help you get the help that you need right away. Do…


Robert Pattinson: It's So Great You Quit Smoking — Here's Why
You're so young, strong and successful, it… Continue reading

If all drugs were made legal and regulated, would crime rates drop dramtically?

Question by RomanJr: If all drugs were made legal and regulated, would crime rates drop dramtically?

Best answer:

Answer by Detroit Uber Alles
Yes, think about it, like 50% of people is prison are in prison for non-violent drug offenses, if you end prohibition, you end people being picked up… Continue reading

Cory Monteith overdose spotlights surge in heroin addiction and death

Cory Monteith overdose spotlights surge in heroin addiction and death
More recent statistics are available from regional experts around the country who track trends for the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Recent increases in heroin problems were reported in at least 11 areas of the country, ranging from …… Continue reading

The loss of a son sends a family on a journey into the depths of their own

The loss of a son sends a family on a journey into the depths of their own
… and start the 1N3 organization in her son's memory. The name is a reference to statistics citing that one in three Americans is affected by drunken driving. … Children and teens… Continue reading

Drug Courts Give Heroin Users An Alternative To Prison

Drug Courts Give Heroin Users An Alternative To Prison
Immediate punitive sanctions on addicts work according to supporters of drug courts — and the statistics bear it out. Nationally, 75 percent of drug court graduates don't commit any new crimes in the two years following their completion of the program.… Continue reading

heroin statistics movie

heroin statistics movie


Medical community catches obesity hype
Evaluations of health statistics by researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found that being moderately overweight is linked with longer lifespan than the officially designated “healthy weight.” Even slight obesity is not … Read more on Consumer Freedom