Casa Palmera Eating Disorder Treatment Center

Casa Palmera Eating Disorder Treatment Center

To start eating disorders are commonly thought to affect women, but in fact eating disorders disrupt the lives of both men and women, of all ages and although the numbers to show that girls and woman are most affected, an incredibly large number of boys and men suffer as well. Eating disorders are usually born out of distress over their appearance and the idea that the person suffering with an eating disorder isn’t thin enough. This perception is irrational and can be deadly. Although it may seem obvious to an outside observer that they are indeed “thin enough” and in fact may be in need of intervention, a person suffering with an eating disorder cannot see themselves for what they really look like. While many people may not understand why someone who has Anorexia or Bulimia would do that too themselves, the caring staff at Casa Palmera Eating Disorder Treatment Center does understand, and they are prepared to help you or someone you are worried about get the attention and therapy that will help to heal both the psychological and physiological issues that drive them to their actions.

Unfortunately for the people who deal with these eating disorders the people in their lives are unaware of the depth of problem. Sadly for many their eating disorder is merely brushed off as a self esteem issue that will eventually go away. Instead of the cry for help being heard it is ignored and person is merely encouraged to eat more, or even less by their friends and family. Good intentions aside, the psychological issues that drive a person to overeat and then purge or starve themselves to death cannot be ignored. The people who live with these disorders go out their way to hide their problems from others. Not being able to stop their behavior they do what they can to appear like they are no longer eating too much or too little. Trying to please the people that love them they suffer alone and in silence. Living a lie to accommodate others can only compound the problem which is why seeking Anorexia or Bulimia treatment from a Bulimia and Anorexia Treatment Center such as Casa Palmera is important.

The serious health ramifications that people suffer due to Anorexia and Bulimia are many and left ignored causing credible damage to the entire body, inside and out. Seizures may develop, liver and kidney damage can occur, dental problems, the list goes on and on and doesn’t stop until death. If you are searching for an eating disorder treatment center that offers Anorexia or Bulimia treatment, Casa Palmera Bulimia and Anorexia Treatment Center is happy to extend a helping to you whether it is for yourself or someone in your life that you can’t bear to lose. For more information on Anorexia or Bulimia treatment, Casa Palmera’s facilities, and their programs visit or call 866-768-6719. Casa Palmera’s here to help you when you need it most.

Hi, I am Tegan Dawn, and as with everything in life moderation is key. Binge eating, Anorexia, and Bulimia are killers in many ways and just like all other disorders, needs to be addressed in our society. If you or someone you love is living with an eating disorder help can be found at a Bulimia and Anorexia Treatment Center where healthy holistic methods are employed during Anorexia and Bulimia Treatment. Dealing with the psychological issues that are at the root of eating disorders and learning how to live healthily can change the life of anyone who has an eating disorder.