Can Your Job Be a Health Risk?

Question by sunflowers: Can Your Job Be a Health Risk?
How come office workers who work in cubicles risk of becoming “mentally ill”
and hospital workers have a risk of getting cancer or other diseases
And if you’re a secretary or an assistant, you feel “mentally abused”
Or if you work at a night club, you have a risk of getting lung cancer or risk of getting hearing impaired
Or if you work as a garbage man, you smell toxins on a daily basis
Or if you’re a fireman you can die from smoke inhalation
and I can go on……

Do you know what I’m talking about?
And the stress by itself and also being around negative people on a daily basis can affect your health.

Best answer:

Answer by maggie3
Mine can be. I sometimes have to go into the patients’ rooms to get their menus, but we have a lot of precautions, like sanitizing hand gel.
My biggest risk is from having an “episode” when the work piles up at the end of the day.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!