can you visit canada and mexico with a felony in the US?
Question by maac1124-53: can you visit canada and mexico with a felony in the US?
my friend n i are planning to visit canada or mexico n wonder if he can cross the boader with a drug felony. he’s done with probation 2 years ago. when he was on probation his po said that he can get a passport n go anywhere but some people said he cant.
Best answer:
Answer by jthach
If he served his time, he should be allowed to cross the border to Canada or Mexico. I mean, it’s not like he’s a wanted felon or child sex offender.
Answer by quizzard123
Not Canada, no. I’m not sure about Mexico.
The United States State Dept website does state that “Section 19 of Canada’s Immigration Act prohibits the admission of people who pose a threat to public health, safety, order, and national security. Prior to attempting a border crossing, American citizens who have had a criminal conviction in the past must contact the nearest Canadian embassy or consulate well in advance to determine their admissibility as visitors into Canada. If found inadmissible, an immigration officer will advise whether a waiver (Minister’s Permit) is possible.” Drug offenses are one of the most serious situations, and your friend will almost certainly be denied entry.
He can get a passport, and can legally leave the country, but that doesn’t mean other countries have to accept US felons, and most won’t.
One final word: know that US and Canadian border officials share information on criminal records, so attempting to lie your way across is pointless and might get you thrown in jail.
Celebrity Interviews from Imagination Heals – A Compilation of interviews conducted by Best Drug Rehabilitation CEO,Per Wickstrom from the Imagination Heals event in Los Angeles.