Can you make my myspace about me?

Question by Ashley: Can you make my myspace about me?
I like this about me, the way it is and written, but im looking for somebody to make one for me, so
i dont have to steal this one, that will be kinda rude.

Add my myspace, if you need help, like knowing more about me to addd.
I cant make one, they dont turn out like this one, i love the way it is, and
the way she put it, it would be great if you can do it somewhat like this, but
more for a sixteen year old girl.
Thankkk youu.

heres my myspace, add me, for any info.

I live in a world that is not reality. One that is made upon dreams, ideals and romantic innovations. I suffer from introverted fantasies. Subsequently these fantasies lead to bad decision making. Not those that first jump to mind…addiction, isolation, aloofness, judgments. I drift into mind and find beauty, peace, love, a general sense of well being. When faced with reality, I shut you off…I don’t return calls, I make plans and cancel. I fear that in the long run statistics prove you to be a terrible disappointment. In these fantasies I am allowed to enjoy you…but life, environment, society forces me to suppress these desires, creating anxiety, a feeling of butterflies in my little belly. Most days I feel in a hurry…the funny thing being I usually have nowhere of importance to be. I want to believe that as I educate, eliminate, and grow that these fears will slowly dissolve like alkaseltzer dropped in a warm glass of water. But reflections of my youth say that the older I grow, the more value I find, resulting in more fear. Fear of losing all that I have learned to appreciate, to enjoy, to believe in the right. I guess this is early adulthood rants on the meaning of life…which sums up my current state. 2008 UPDATE Well, I have yet to discover the full meaning of life, but I seem to get a little closer with each passing day. The Fox and I are devising a strategy to move back to France. We have some ideas of what we want to do when we get there, but nothing is set in stone. The most difficult thing at this current time is the process of discovering my passion. I dibble and dabble in everything, but have yet to hear my calling. But you know what they say, “good things happen over a period of time and great things happen all at once!”

Best answer:

Answer by John C
You just wrote a really good About Me!

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