Can you help me out with my questions on Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)?

Question by Cherie S: Can you help me out with my questions on Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)?
My boyfriend supposedly has ADD but isn’t on any types of drugs for it. He would have told me months ago if he was. I don’t like considering ADD a disorder because I feel that people who have ADD aren’t sick in the head. I think ADD is more of a learning disability.

My boyfriend never graduated from high school because he found school to be very boring. There was a point in his life where he did get involved in drugs and alcohol. He’s been clean for 3 years and he’s working really hard in life. He has two jobs and he’s trying very hard to keep up with them. He was adopted and he said that is his real family did have some addictions.

When I’m around my boyfriend, I don’t notice him having ADD. I don’t notice any signs. I don’t notice him getting too hyper that he can’t seem to focus. When he and I have watched a movie together his attention span seems to be very good. He seems to focus quite well. He doesn’t drift off or get up and move around. When he and I go out were both always on the go which I don’t find to be abnormal. We both love sight seeing. He does love to sing and when he’s kind of stressed out he plays the drums with his hands. He does do that in the car on occasion when he’s driving. Now when he and I kiss he then gets kind of hyper but I see that as being normal. What guy wouldn’t go nuts over their girlfriend? When my boyfriend eats food with sugar in it he says it makes him hyper. Could it be that sugar makes him hyper and that he truly doesn’t have ADD? Only once did I notice my boyfriend being on a sugar high. That was when he and I were on the phone. When he doesn’t eat food with sugar in it, he’s totally fine. My boyfriend doesn’t eat properly which is another reason why I think he’s tired all the time. He works two jobs all day long which start at like 8 something in the morning and don’t end until 9pm at night. He has a about a two hour break in between both jobs.

Is there such thing as a mild form of ADD? What are the true symptoms of ADD? I have a hard time thinking that my boyfriend has ADD when I don’t even notice any symptoms. Sometimes I think he just has some addiction to sugar. He and I went out last weekend and he had a muffin, and some chocolate. He told me that he would probably get hyper in with 10 minutes. Well 10 minutes passed and I didn’t notice him getting all hyper. I myself have a learning disability where I just struggle in school and that’s it. So I don’t know what to think about my boyfriend and I’m too afraid to ask him more questions about his personal problems. Please help me out if you can with my questions. Thank you!!

Best answer:

Answer by Sis F
First there are two answers to your question. ADD is more a deficiency where the person cant seem to pay attenion. There focus is way off and will forget something quicker than usual. For example, if he were in school and had to read a book for a test, he probably wouldnt remember what he read. The second thing ADHD…that is the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder. That one he would be all over the place with the inability to concentrate at the same time. Sugar would make him worse. He would have a hard time sitting still and doing normal everyday things. You can google both of these and see what i mean. Good luck hon.

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