Can you force someone to go to drug rehab?
Question by crystal b: Can you force someone to go to drug rehab?
My sister is 32. I know she is extreamly addicted to pills and am sure she is on some kind of street drugs. She lives with my mom and has 2, 5 year old little girls. Their dad is in jail for alot of things. He is a coke addict. Cps say’s he can not live in the house with them until he compleates a 6 month rehab program. My sister disappears every night to her boy friends or some other place. She hangs around a 15 year old little girl and takes her to see a 20 year old man who is her boy friend. We all know what they are doing. I know the child is on drugs. Sad, but true. No matter what we do, she will not stay away from her. Sometimes we donot hear from my sister for the whole next day. She will not answer her phone. Now she is pregnant. 1 month. Is there anyway we can force her to go to rehab?
Best answer:
Answer by deedee007
you can petition the court and they can have a mandatory order placed for her to go into rehab.
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