Can quitting smoking cause anxeity and depression?
Question by Cutemum4: Can quitting smoking cause anxeity and depression?
I have been a non smoker for 10 months and still crave it immensly….I have since been diagnoised with anxeity and depression and I have no reason to be.So do I have a point?….Oh and I’m not asking this question to give me the green light to smoke as I am very proud of my acheivment.
Best answer:
Answer by Narayanan Iyer
Anxiety… may be yes… depression really NO… try not to think of smoking and that should take away the dependency… slowly you will forget about cigaratte.
Answer by *Autism’s Beautiful Face*
Both so i am told with depression though as i know from personal experience my partner gave up smoking with no help at all and did so for a long time over time, he became more and more depressed and as i know its because he was already depressed so giving up smoking didn’t really help him, he started again and then dealt with the depression
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