can I lose my house because of drugs?

Question by bumble100bee: can I lose my house because of drugs?
My daughter and her boyfriend went to jail then rehab for drug addiction. I decided to give them both a second chance and let them move back in with me. It has been three months and last week I found needles and drugs in their bedroom. My daughter is swearing it is not her. Her boyfriend said he did it but it was the medicine he receives for his heroin addiction. I am debuting on if I should throw them both out. My daughter is pregnant and already has a small child. She said she was just as shocked as I was that he was doing that and was upset too. I said since she wanted him here she needs to tell him to leave. I am not sure what it going on. They both get are on probation and get tested regularly. So if he is taking illegal drugs I would think he would get caught.

My question is should I throw him out? If the police come to my house and find drugs can’t I lose my house because of this?

Best answer:

Answer by Manofstone
Get the drugs out or get them out. Better yet, just call the police and talk to them about it.

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