Can feeling dumb from an antidepressant warrant ADD medication?

Question by greg: Can feeling dumb from an antidepressant warrant ADD medication?
I’m taking amitriptyline (TCA) for IBS (really bad). It works really well, but it makes me feel not as smart. I just blank out mid-conversation and mid-thought. I’ve taken some different ones before, and all the ADD medications have worked well to help. Is this a good reason to seek ADD medication?

Best answer:

Answer by whattup
Well, you just said they’ve worked well to help, haven’t you already been prescribed them? I don’t think it’s a good reason to seek ADD medication at all, because you’re using another powerful drug to treat the side effects of the drug you’re currently on, both of them for off-label use. Try an SSRI, specifically Luvox, which has been shown beneficial for IBS, they have less side effects than TCAs.

Answer by Angela Hocut
I think I might be having some one the same sort of problem, kind of. I have some cognitive issues like you describe and I was just diagnosed with inattentive ADHD. I’m wondering since you mentioned this, and I am on antidepressants, if they are causing the problem to begin with. I’m sorry I don’t have an answer for you, but if you NEED the medication and the Dr is willing to prescribe the ADHD medication, then go for it. Sometimes Dr’s prescribe medicine to counter-act side effects from other medications.

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