Can an alcoholic quit drinking without AA?
Question by Trevor C: Can an alcoholic quit drinking without AA?
I’m a binge drinker, have always been. Once I start, it is just hard to stop. I went to AA for over two years, got a sponsor, completed my steps, did service. And than slowly dropped out and tried some controlled drinking. Well, I’ve lost control again, and I don’t have time to do all that work again, to be frank, I would rather just die.
Best answer:
Answer by Eli
Addiction isn’t easy to overcome (as you very well know by now). Some people can overcome it by themselves but many cannot. I recommend going to AA and telling them your situation. You definitely aren’t alone in this, and there are people out there (professionals) who’s job it is to cater to your needs. Tell them you don’t want to dedicate your whole life to this, but that you desperately want to change. It’s not going to be easy, but it will definitely be worth it.
Thousands of people have flipped their lives around, done well, fallen off the wagon and then started back up again…and guess what?… you can too!
*Best of luck 🙂
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