California’s 3 Strikes Law, Amend It NOW!!!?

Question by Rachel B: California’s 3 Strikes Law, Amend It NOW!!!?
California really took voters for a ride with this one. They promised that sex offenders, rapists, murderers, child molesters would fall under this category, but instead, they have small time robbers and drug users encarcerated when they should really be in rehab while Megan’s Law gets longer and longer. Tell me my fellow Americans, what are your views on this?

Best answer:

Should be one strike!

Answer by UncleRico
Anyone who commits 3 crimes should be locked up for life.

Cover Story Orphaned by Addicts Page 1
In a state where 88,000 people need substance-abuse treatment, Nielsen brings an unadorned honesty to the voice of the victims of drug addicts who are largely forgotten by society: their children. While Nielsen says she keeps her feelings to herself … Read more on Salt Lake City Weekly