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best drug rehab centers 1-800-839-1682 – Substance abuse treatment is not a death sentence but a chance for healing for everyone in the family, especially the addict.Call and visit us 1-800-839-1682…


Jackson's mother appears contentious, forgetful on witness stand
The family matriarch said she didn't even realize the world tour had been cut short. The singer made a public announcement that he was canceling the remainder of the tour to seek treatment for an addiction to painkillers, but apparently no one told his … Read more on Los Angeles Times

Young recovering addict becomes inspiration to others
Severino was sent to court-mandated drug rehabilitation at the Drug Abuse Foundation in Delray Beach. There, she learned to stay sober. When she got out, however, she found herself with no real life skills, no high school diploma and a criminal record … Read more on Sun-Sentinel

Where the money goes
Cuts: Reduces funding to AIDS Drug Assistance Program; cuts 15 positions in the oral health section and reduces budget for three drug abuse treatment centers by 12 percent each. Commerce. Proposed spending: $ 51,228,804 in funding for the Commerce … Read more on Charlotte Observer