Australian Health Practitioner Says: There’s No Need to Wait For A Cancer ‘Cure’

Albury, AUSTRALIA (PRWEB) February 4, 2008

John Mclaughlin, a practitioner in the personal health and performance field, says that his specialised healing retreats offer new hope for those afflicted with cancer.

“Getting cancer isn’t the end of the road, there is much light at the end of that tunnel, and this is what we offer” Mclaughlin said. “This is the age of information and choice, and it is imperative to become informed as to your alternatives. Mere acceptance of the current drug treatments may just turn out to be suicidal for many people.”

“When you consider the results of hundreds of millions of dollars spent by sufferers, every year, you would expect to have far fewer deaths. Just look at the official statistics, the US, even back in 2002, had 555,500 deaths recorded for the year. That’s about 1500 people a day. Does it need to be that many? Absolutely not!” Mclaughlin added.

Mr. Mclaughlin has partnered with a number of other practitioners, of renown, to bring together a combination of modalities that hasn’t been seen before.

“The potential of these elements, in combination, is inspirational for cancer sufferers, most especially for those that have the fight to win” Mclaughlin said. “Once you enter the world of alternative health and healing, there are so many avenues, that it can get confusing, for the newcomer, but that’s one of the big benefits of our retreats; we have done all the thinking and have the experience; you just need the will to heal”

Mr. McLaughlin’s business, Ascension Healing Retreats, only works with groups of up to 25 people, as he believes that his team can’t give enough personal attention to each participant, otherwise. He has put a lot of effort into finding the best location for the retreat, believing this assists the overall benefits for those present. His next 5 day Retreat, in April, is in the pristine rain forest of Australia. Apart from all the hands-on work, many other topics are covered that support participants physically and emotionally. There also are books, suggestions and contacts given that enhance the event long after the return home.

If readers would like more information, visit their website; or contact Mr. Mclaughlin +61260400621.
