Are there any good songs about alcohol addiction?

Question by Tah’raa Velacana: Are there any good songs about alcohol addiction?
And please, DON”T tell me country songs. I despise country music haha…any good rock songs, or pop about it? Rap is cool too. I just want to have some good music about alcohol addiction. (Yes I know Whiskey Lullaby)

Best answer:

Answer by Omar D
Bottom of a Bottle by Smile Empty Soul

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Alcohol Addictions: Is Nicotine a 'Gateway' to Cocaine Addiction— And Cancer?
Researchers have long noted that teens who later become addicted to drugs typically start by smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. But the order of events doesn't necessarily mean that tobacco or alcohol use leads to other addictions. …
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Alcohol Addictions: Amy Winehouse – Amy Winehouse Wouldn't Drink In Front Of Mother
I like to think she went to sleep and just didn't wake up, so I hope she didn't suffer." As well as addiction to alcohol, Amy battled drug addictions but had been had been clean from any illegal substances for three years. Amy Winehouse picture.

Alcohol Addictions: Addiction and the Brain – drug or alcohol abuse is a disease.

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