^#{@^ Allie brosh

^#{@^ Allie brosh
Kill the Messenger How the CIAs Crack Cocaine Controversy Destroyed Gary Webb. They can access your bank account so quickly, I know I have money in my left front pocket that I know goes to where I keep my money for this "job," and I have my own money … Read more on album reviews site

Anti-Rob Ford campaign signs mocks mayor
Within the last year, Ford has admitted to smoking crack cocaine and being drunk in public. He's also been caught threatening to kill someone on video – although Ford claims he was merely doing an impression of wrestler Hulk Hogan when it was filmed. Read more on Sun News Network

Courthouse Records
Alberto Escobar, 23, of 15 Dorchester St., Worcester, charged with possession of crack cocaine with intent to distribute, continued to May 12. Jose Portillo, 26, of 30 Wellington St., Apt. 406, Worcester, charged with assault with a dangerous weapon … Read more on Worcester Telegram