All the Ways To Enjoy How To Grow Weed
times as long because valorization wastes so little of the active ingredients lost through smoking. Some regular users of vaporizers have complained that they produce a fine dust along with the vapor. This can’t be good and they should maybe be fitted with a filter system but vaporizers are still the safest way to consume cannabis using heat.
Eating or drinking: Simply sucking a small piece of hashish or eating cannabis prepared as a cake, drink or other
food is a very effective and economical method of using cannabis. The effects take up to an hour and last 4-12 hours. Over dose is possible by eating too much (see ‘Over-Dosage’). This could result in an unpleasant ‘whirlingpit’ feeling but no lasting physical damage. If in doubt ‘self-titrate’ the dose; experiment with a little, and then a little more. More worrying are the dangers of adulteration and infection encouraged by the unregulated trade in cannabis. These include smuggling methods and profiteering practices which can make eating the resulting product totally undesirable. In general avoid eating most hash especially ‘Soap Bar’ and ‘Manali’ or ‘Squiggie’ black. Eating Hemp seeds (see ‘Hemp Seed & Nutrition’) or their oil (which have no THC content) is a very valuable source of nutrition; a quality which can have considerable medical value and contribute to general well being.
Creams and lotions: Applied on the skin to treat complaints ranging from muscle pain and/or tremors to ache. You can make these yourself. The simplest way to do this is to put leaves and buds of cannabis into a bottle filled with surgical alcohol available in any chemist. Leave in a dark place for 1-3 weeks, shaking every day or as often as possible, then use to rub on area suffering from pain.
Tinctures: The active ingredients of the plant are extracted as oil and can then be used either as drops taken orally, or the ingredient for creams and lotions to be rubbed on the skin to relieve pain and other symptoms. Cannabis Tincture was available by prescription for medical purposes in Britain until 1971.
Goran Robinson is an internet author, lives in Australia and is passionate about sharing honest and reliable information with the rest of the world on learning how to grow weed. So give yourself the gift you’ve always been after when it comes to growing weed by checking out <a rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:_gaq.push([‘_trackPageview’, ‘/outgoing/article_exit_link’]);” href=””>Growing Elite Marijuana</a>. This expert guide is a completely groundbreaking piece in marijuana literature.
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