alcoholism i think ive got it?

Question by Georgina H: alcoholism i think ive got it?
i think about alcohol all of the time, when i am sober i want to be drunk, if i dont have a drink i become very argumenative and nasty i cant help it i think about alcohol contantly. if i am without alcohol i become aggitated. is there something wrong with me/

Best answer:

Answer by Wiser with age
Yes!! Your an alcoholic. Alcohol will bite you like a snake. I used to work with veterans and many of my clients lost everything because of alcohol. They lost their jobs, homes, families and some became homeless. Keep it up and if you don’t get help your going to lose your job and have to steal just to get alcohol and will sitting on street corners begging for money just to get your next feel. I hate to be unpleasant with you but your probably drinking to forget about your problems. You want to be drunk to forget some past experience or some bigger current issues. My veteran clients drank to escape their memories of death in combat while in the military. Think about why you are drinking and get help. This can ruin your liver and you only get ONE liver. Alcohol makes your face fat and puffy in time and your body starts to get soggy. Not pretty and glamorous is it. Think of the consequences honey.

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