alcohol_concern_1.flv ALCOHOL CONCERN CYMRU LAUNCHES VIRAL VIDEO A video designed to raise awareness of the effects of alcohol on behaviour has been launched online by Alcohol Concern Cymru at The film has been made to encourage people to seek information about healthy levels of drinking by highlighting negative attitudes towards excessive drunkenness among younger drinkers. The video includes interview clips from people aged between 20-35 talking about how they view the behaviour of people who lose control under the influence of alcohol, contrasted with real scenes from what that age group would recognise as typical city centre night out. Alcohol Concern Cymru policy manager, Andrew Misell, said: “The video is designed to encourage people to know their limits and understand that alcohol can affect behaviour by distorting our perceptions and compromising safety. “Many of the men and women we interviewed said that they felt intimidated, shocked and appalled by drunken behaviour. This stands in stark contrast to scenes of real people in real situations which many of that same group would probably accept as a typical scene on a night out in the city. “It is possible to still enjoy a night out safely and responsibly. For example, alternating alcoholic drinks with soft drinks, eating before you go out and by thinking about how much you are going to drink before you go out. “Alcohol Concern Cymru aims to help people make
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