Alcohol and hard drug addiction on the rise

Alcohol and hard drug addiction on the rise
Nearly 9000 people requested treatment for drug addiction, 9544 people were treated for alcohol addiction in special clinics and 22,838 underwent this treatment in outpatient facilities. The cost of alcohol and drug addiction treatment reached 1110 … Read more on Prague Daily Monitor

Expert panel confronts adolescent drug, alcohol addictions during forum
Peck said he processed one heroin case at the school in the past year and handles two or three cases of misdemeanor-level marijuana per week. He mentioned seeing a drop in methamphetamine use but a rise in … Dr. Dale Berry of the Cambridge Medical … Read more on Isanti County News

Bruce Grant: Marijuana proposal doubles down on misery
Marijuana sales will never generate enough tax revenue to pay for the treatment needed for those who become addicted or for the long-term health issues attendant to increased use. We all support relieving pain in the sick and dying, but allowing … Read more on Tallahassee Democrat (blog)