Addiction Treatment: Non 12 Step, Non AA, Medical Model. Presented by The American Health Journal.


Addiction Treatment: Non 12 Step, Non AA, Medical Model. Presented by The American Health Journal. – **THIS TREATMENT AVAILABLE AT THE BRAIN TREATMENT CENTER** http http Brookside Institute offers treatment protocol that combines the latest in neuroscience (TMS Neurofeedback), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and medicine to treat addiction and co-occurring disorders (dual diagnosis). Unlike other treatment centers that may offer “non 12 step programs” the Brookside Recovery Protocol ™ is a science-based, medical model that applies over twenty years of scientific research to provide a comprehensive treatment for addiction. Although other treatment programs may claim to be non 12 step, none provide the same level of care and innovative approach to addiction as Brooksides individualized, all-inclusive treatment protocol. Many programs have recently jumped on the non 12 step trend; however, Brookside Institute is the pioneer in science-based, medical model treatment for addiction and has always used this model to treat addiction. At the Neuroscience Center we use TMS and Neurofeedback as treatment. Magno-EEG Resonant Therapy (MERT) is an innovative treatment procedure using a noninvasive electromagnetic resonant process to tune up or down specific brainwaves. This is a refined process of the traditional Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) that is unique to Brookside Institute NeuroScience Center. Unlike TMS, MERT is precisely calculated based on the individuals electroencephalography (EEG) to deliver the perfect combination


Editorial – Seriously mentally ill citizens in N.C. deserve better care

Filed under: dual diagnosis treatment centers

Cameron, who has lived with dual diagnoses of low-functioning autism and mood disorders that became more pronounced and more aggressive after adolescence, had spent six years at the Murdoch Developmental Center in Butner, a residential facility for …


Religious Institutions Update: February 2013

Filed under: dual diagnosis treatment centers

The plaintiff student was an eighth grader diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and anxiety. Because Maryland law does not permit simultaneous dual enrollment in a private and public school, the school board informed his parents that …
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