Addiction Thought qeustion (Psychology)?

Question by KN09: Addiction Thought qeustion (Psychology)?
Understanding addiction. The author of your text suggests that the addiction model has been stretched too far in our culture, where people are not only addicted to drugs, but can be addicted to gambling, sex, and the internet. In your opinion, has the concept of addiction stretched so far it excuses people of responsibility or is it a helpful conceptual model for rehabilitation?

Best answer:

Answer by Sandra M
Wow this is a really good question. It is true that addiction covers a wide range of areas as you stated, drugs, gambling, sex, internet, gaming. I do not think it excuses anyone from responsibility though. I think that the model for recovery is becoming responsible to the people your addiction has harmed. There are those that go to 12 step programs that never realize this concept.

Recovery is about responsibility, taking personal responsibility for your actions, the actions that have hurt others.

I read somewhere in a sociology paper that our society either creates addicts or co-dependents, one or the other and it is true.

Addicts are normally trying to escape from something in their lives that they loath, addiction is a form of self loathing. Hope this helps.

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