What are some different philosophies of recovery in recovery programs?

Question by unsure: What are some different philosophies of recovery in recovery programs?
What are some different philosophies of recovery in recovery programs?
so what are some different philosophies of recovery in different drug programs (i.e. residential programs, outpatient programs etc…)

Best answer:

Answer by jana_westover
My experience is that you can add tools to your life by going to 12 Step meetings, and reading the literature. NA – Narcotics Anonymous etc. have what they call the 12 Steps. These are great tools for handling your past and putting yourself on a better path for the future. There are also some very beneficial forms of therapy available out there. My father in law is a recovering addict and he has 22 years clean. He still goes to one or two meetings weekly. When you are recovering from chemical dependency there is nothing like learning from someone who has a lot of clean time. It takes work – but the results and life experience are well worth the sweat blood and tears.
As far as the residential and outpatient programs go – it truly depends on where you are. They are not all created equal – if you can find a meeting and get to it – the people there would be your best source.

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