Why is it “terrorism” to poison the cocaine supply, but standard gov’t procedure to poison the cannabis supply

Question by A Box of Signs: Why is it “terrorism” to poison the cocaine supply, but standard gov’t procedure to poison the cannabis supply
Remember, there was this big hullaballoo about Al-Qa`ida poisoning the cocaine coming into the U.S.?

However, my roommate just experienced several symptoms of this new poison they’re spraying on cannabis fields (the kind that turns the bud blue, and the shadier growers turn it green with yellow food coloring, to cover their losses).

If the gov’t itself is going to spend money and act to poison a drug whose degree of danger is subject to widespread controversy, then why spend money to stop a terrorist group that was planning to poison a highly addictive and often deadly drug, for free? Does this sound counterproductive?

Might this be some indication of powerful people’s taste for cocaine?
Oh, and I’ll save you all the trouble:

*Gasp* NO!

Best answer:

Answer by joemammysbigguns
It’s not wrong when the government does it.


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