Is Cocaine and Meth safer than Marijuana?

Question by Alkohollokaust: Is Cocaine and Meth safer than Marijuana?
According to the Federal Government its true. Under the Controlled Substances Act, Marijuana is a Schedule one which is reserved for the most harmful addicting dangerous drugs possible not only for the user but puts other people around them at risk.

Definition of a Schedule 1 Drug:
(A) The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
(B) The drug or other substance has no accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
(C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.

Schedule 1 drugs include MARIJUANA, Heroin, Ecstasy, LSD, and GHB

Definition of a Schedule 2 drug:
category of drugs considered to have a strong potential for abuse or addiction but that also have legitimate medical use.

Schedule 2 drugs include COCAINE, Opium, Morphine, Fentanyl, Amphetamines, and METH

What do you think of this? Did you know that Cocaine and Meth is safer than Marijuana? If so, Why would anyone in their right mind want to legalize one of the most harmful drugs for people to use? The Government knows whats right. They know what these substances do and how they will affect society. They were made illegal for a reason! So why do people want to be defiant and ignorant and legalize these dangerous drugs so anyone can legally buy them with easy access? Do you want them to legalize cyanide and rat poison for people to eat too? If everyone would just follow the law, we would be safe. Thats why stealing, killing, drunk driving, raping and all these bad things have laws against them.

Best answer:

Answer by hippiegimpgirl101
You are quite obviously an IDIOT. have you ever done any of these drugs you listed? The government doesn’t care what’s healthy and certainly not what’s right. It only matters to them what makes them money. Quit being a douche hole. Marijuana is NOT a drug, it is an herb. Do you know the real reason it was made illegal? or when? Did you know that in the days of the founding fathers, in the beginning of our country that it was illegal to NOT grow the hemp plant? Do your research. It is the purest plant on the planet. And rat poison and cyanide are in cigarettes. Which are LEGAL. POT NEVER KILLED ANYONE. Alcohol and cigarettes on the other hand….well. do your research.

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