Detox feeling or just bad enzymes? DOC or NURSES PLEASE HELP!!!!!?

Question by CK: Detox feeling or just bad enzymes? DOC or NURSES PLEASE HELP!!!!!?
I have been taking Acetaminophen Diphenhydramine HCL 2500 mg (YES tweny five hundred) everyday for 5 years now due to back problems & trouble sleeping. I recently just quit and my stomach has gone HAYWIRE! I have extreme nausea and fatigue. Instead of hunger pangs when I’m hungry I get nausea and I can’t get rid of this horrible tension headache. Its like hell trying to eat when I’m nauseous but if I don’t I’ll soon get hypoglycemic.
Honestly, I feel like I’ve heard crackheads describe rehab with all these side effects.
Are the side effects a coincidence or is it drug “withdrawls”?
Btw, I’m not mentally depened on these drugs because I dont’ desire to take them at all.
I’ve had a full lab panel and liver function, kidneys, etc. are all within normal limits per my physician.

Best answer:

Answer by gazeygoo
There is no such product as you suggest. Meantime if you are taking 2500 mg of Tylenol you have destroyed your liver and furthermore why the heck are you taking benadryl for back pain or is that to sleep. You are screwed up and need to see a physician ASAP!!!D

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