Alcohol information (help needed)?
Question by : Alcohol information (help needed)?
I need a little help on alcohol to teach my kids and some information for me too.
what type of drug is alcohol?
what are the short term effects of alcohol
what are the long term effects of alcohol
what treatments are available if addiction occurs?
is the drug socially acceptable in australian cultures ? explain why plz
is the drug social acceptable in other cultures? where is isnt it?
is the drug legal or illegal? why?
how is the drug portrayed in the media tv and movies? how does this influence youn people and their decisions about alcohol?
thanks alot 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Old E
well if your lecturing on alcoholism thats another story, alcohol has been proven to reduce your risk of cardio vascular disease by 30%, if you were to drink one drink a day, one shot, one beer or one glass of wine, and thats if the alcohol content is comparable to minimal standards, such as 80 proof vodka, 5-7% ale, whats wine, 10-12%, 8 oz glass? everything is addictive, alcohol addictions can be a physical and chemical dependence, the worst kind, that of heroin is a chemical dependence where you withdrawal when the endorphins release from your neurotransmitters, addiction is not good for your health, alcoholics vary from one person to the next, some people have addictive personalities, drink responsibly, call a cab or have a designated driver,
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