Verbal abuse. Suicide.?
Question by Anonoymous.: Verbal abuse. Suicide.?
I found out last week that one of my best friends is depressed, self harms, terrified of her parents, and attempted suicide 3 times.
And is verbally abused by her parents and aunts and uncles.
She told me and my best friend this.
Because she WILL NOT tell ANYONE anything. Not even counselors.
So we told someone for her,
And her parents were called,
And she also has an eating disorder and “will be getting help”.
She still hasn’t got help.
And yesterday she told me she has to pay for the groceries out of her money put away for college, cause her parents have none.
What should we do ?
Yeah i know . .
But i still have no idea what to do .. 😐
Best answer:
Answer by jwildmanbamf
Man that really sucks. I’ve read a biography of kurt cobain and this sounds worse. This might not be the best answer but if that were me I would definatley run away.
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