does sugar consumption affect alcohol cravings in alcoholics?

Question by monkey777monkey: does sugar consumption affect alcohol cravings in alcoholics?
I have a friend at a treatment center where they restrict sugar intake among clients, saying that this helps reduce cravings. I am unable to find any reputable scientific basis for this in any scientific articles. Only an often cited study from the early ’90s that is not accessible on any databases that I can find. Can someone give me a clue, beyond the stale, obvious observation that alcohol and sugar are chemically related?

Best answer:

Answer by bkzalley
They both affect the adrenal glands. In an alcoholic or addict, their adrenal gland can become weak over time and they will crave both. Not having either helps to strengthen the gland and thus the cravings. Have you ever noticed how much coffee with sugar is consumed at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings? Weak adrenals often result in hypoglycemia since adrenal hormones raise blood sugar. This condition is very common. When the blood sugar level drops, cravings can be very strong for sugar, soda pop, a cigarette or another adrenal stimulant. Alcohol craving can also be caused by low blood sugar.
I have seen people whom have stopped drinking or using and will buy tons of candy bars. They are trying to replace the euphoric feeling that they got when they were high.
Do a better Google search. The info is out there. Just word it differently.

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