Is there a way to get an old charge off of your record? It’s a marijuana charge 28gs or less. ?
Question by Sunny: Is there a way to get an old charge off of your record? It’s a marijuana charge 28gs or less. ?
My boyfriend could not get a job at wal mart because of his background check. The charge is over 10 years old. It is Marijuana 28grams or less. Any way I was wondering if there is a way to get old charges took off your record so they wont affect you in the future. My boyfriend has been to drug rehab and yes he had a drug problem for a long time but hey people do deserve second chances.
Best answer:
Answer by Time travler
He can, with the help of a lawyer get his records expunged. That means his record is cleared completely unless you are trying to get a job with the FBI.
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