Why is the devil not exposed ?

Question by Caesar J. B. Squitti: Why is the devil not exposed ?
Devil and half-truths attack the family.

My name is Caesar J. B. Squitti a researcher and writer from Canada.

I have researched the movement in Canada to attack the traditional family and change the definition of the family. It is study in how ‘truth’ can be corrupted to attack the family, through deceptive ‘half-truths’, parts of the truth. While true, they focus on part of the reality and are tools fo the devil. I have set up a website to inform you of this.

“The Cult that deceived the world ”

The devil has used deceptive truths, half-truths, to corrupt agencies, logic and statistics to deceptively attack the family. Involved are many University programs that contain this corrupt logic that is more about dividing families.

Here are concrete examples that have been promoted within Canada in the last 25 years, with very little realization by the general public. The result chaos in the family.

‘Men who abuse, women and children victims”. You will note the model attacks all men, and includes women as victims, but does not include children as abusers. This is not a healthy model.

“Stop violence against women’ is a divisive half-truth. It ignores all other forms of abuse, and ignores men and children.

Not all discrimination is wrong. In fact gays and lesbians discriminate against members of the opposite sex.

Seldom if ever is the sharing of incomes between men and women mentioned, and seldom if ever is mentioned the sharing with children. This is perhaps the most obvious sign of the corrupt foundation of this attack.

Also note that in lesbian relationships, the abuser is a lesbian women in 100% of the cases.

You will note that the drive to change the definition of marriage is a literal half-truth of the current definition. The reference to two people of the opposite sex, is being removed. The use of deceptive half-truths, playing with logic is paramount in the corruption of human logic and the many ‘half-truth’ models.

It is hoped that you will pass this on to other groups who may be interested to protect the traditional family unit from attacks, attacks by ‘the devil’ working with truths.

My soon to be released book, “The Jesus Christ Code” exposes this dark side to truth that has gone unnoticed since the Garden of Eden. ( http://www.thejesuschristcode.com )

Caesar J. B. Squitti
In the name of ‘equality’ we have allowed inequality, and injustice.

Beware the truths of man, they can lie !

Caesar J. B. Squitti

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