Violating Probation, Second Time?
Question by matth3w: Violating Probation, Second Time?
Ok i was origionally charged wtih misdemeanor possession of marijuana and alcohol. I had 1 yr probation, 50 hours comm service, and 6months restricted license.
My first drug test i failed for cocaine, alls they gave me was 1 mothers against drunk driving class and through out the charges.
NOW i failed again like 5 months later. So i am going to sign up for a drug rehabilitation program. Whats the worse the court/judge can do to me. Add community service, add probation time, random drug tests, umm or am I going to get jail time
I live in virginia, and im 20
I dont have any time hanging over my head though. My PO said to get into a rehab program ASAP so by the time i go to court i can say I put myself in there instead of THEM putting me in there
Best answer:
Answer by volleyballchick
Well, I would think that violating probation a second time would give you jail time. I look at Paris Hilton, and I think that you aren’t going to get off so easily.
And the drug rehab might be a good idea, since you can’t seem to stay off drugs, even though it means possible jail time. I hope as you sit in that jail cell, you can think back on a wonderful high, because it was the reason you are there.
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