heroin, amphetamines, withdrawal, aftermath…?
Question by Michal: heroin, amphetamines, withdrawal, aftermath…?
I will try to make it short… I got mixed with vicious, intelligent criminals… I liked to smoke marijuana socially and i think it all started when i met them first and i smoked a splif they made which was probably marijuana mixed with heroin. Then i started sniffing what i thought was cocaine but was actually heroin mix probably. Anyway i got manipulated into taking really big quantities of povders over the years. I was also being brainwashed all along as I’ve quit school and i was arguing with my parents allot. Anyway now i wake up every day in the world where i’m 20 years old, back in college, stooped seeing these people and i started being clean like 2 months. I moved from a big quantity to nothing from one day to another… I told my parents everything but they are not very supportive, they keep on telling me that my presence in the house is depressing and they don’t want to talk to me. I still live in one house with them. I am starting to lose balance and i wake up every morning seeing how i’m getting crazy, i am worried that in few weeks i will be unable to communicate with an outside world. I get occasional head ackes in different areas of my hed but mostly on back-left side. I vision is weird i can’t see normally ( i went to opticians, results- almost perfect sight 0.25) From outside i look normal, healthy but a bit sad. Inside i’m losing my mind!!! I went to see a gp but they just offer me painkillers and say that i look fine. I found out that some of my symptoms can be caused by spinal-cord related diseases. I didn’t get a chance to even start my life really and i already feel like a zombie. Suicide isn’t an option but i wish i still had a chance to get my life back. It all happened in 5 years, i am now sober and have no trouble with staying off things, i don’t smoke, i don’t drink alcohol but i feel as if i was dying every day, when i do excerise i feel as if i was burning my mussels… I tried everything i know could help, i will appreciate any suggestions, any sort of help. Thank you.
also i have problems with breathing and throat (swallowing is weird and uncomfortable) …
I guess my main questions are: what can i do to find out what is physically wrong with me and should i do excercise? would an mri scan of my brain be usefull or should i see a neurologist? In terms of mentality i’m a bit paranoid and can’t be spontaneous, i feel as if i had no personality anymore and i was just a reflection of other peoples feelings, should i see a psychiatrist? I think maybe a gp sees to many issues here and wants to save money by telling me im fine and its just paranoia? what can/should i do? PLEASE HELP!
Best answer:
Answer by jpfeff
If you are back in college then there should be a student health center; start there. It should be free (or almost free) for full time students, and they will be able to tell you if there is a counseling center open (which would also be free). Take advantage of it!
Good luck
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