Current and previous Meth users…?
Question by Violet: Current and previous Meth users…?
Why do you or did you like the drug so much, what does it do, the good and the bad? How hard is it to stay clean? Is it possible to completely recover from the addiction? How could people help you stay clean?
Best answer:
Answer by shroom_gyrl69
Are you writing a paper?
It is hard to help others stay clean… They have to want to get help. They have to see it is a problem. If you know someone who is doing it, don’t support them. Be emotionally supportive, but don’t continue to provide for them. Get them away from the drug. My BF brother had to move away from his home town to get away. His gf continued to use right after she had their baby and everything… It is a life style choice…
Oh yeah never anger someone who is doing it… They can be very vicious… Especially when they are coming down…
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