Meth User’s know him only as UNCLE FESTER (are you ready to meet his younger brother?)
Clandestine Group traveling tourists and immigrants, GYPSY-he whom has been stricken from his home and unable to return, outcast, traitor,.victim, ex-communicated, Terence McKenna Vision Plants lsd psilocybin dmt archaic revival true hallucinations mescaline ayahuasca iboga ibogaine philosophy time wave zero novelty theory ching botanical dimensions consciousness metaphysics spirituality third eye pineal gland DMTshaman official, rules, LIES cuz ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY and if you can SELL MORE METH than MICROSOFT can sell CACA,…then the Government is willing ready to either make you a controlled enemy or be your best friend and partner, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE and those PEOPLE should be LOCKED away and all COPS and AUTHORITY in america should be manditory to drug test every month sense we are in a war of DRUGS,…manipulations of lies since the lost were able to agree that where they were was LAND! a free country where and when is manifest destiny it’s interesting enough to observe the critical corners and lost legendary patriots when minutemen could finally take a break for an hour atleast during a 12 hour SET!
Video Rating: 3 / 5